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The impact of temperature changes on the press bearing

Stamping bearing any temperature changes will be affected, and high temperature usually indicates that the stamping bearing housing has been in an abnormal situation, while the high temperature is also harmful to the stamping of the bearing seat lubricant. Therefore, we should always be tested to ensure the normal operation.

Usually caused by high temperature stamping bearing reasons include: insufficient lubrication or excessive lubrication; lubricant containing impurities; stamping bearing load is too large; stamping bearing clearance gap, oil seals generated high friction and so on.

Therefore, continuous monitoring of the stamping bearing temperature is necessary, whether it is measuring the stamping bearing itself or other important parts. Shandong Anda warm Tip: If it is in the operating conditions remain unchanged, any temperature change can be expressed stamping bearing has been faulty


    contact us


    Contact: Manager Liu

    Tel: 0317-5128131/5128282

    Mobile: 13483852999

    E-mail:  info@hebeiaohua.com



    Address: Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, Yanshan County, East outer ring

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