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Second Polyurethane Sweeper

The second polyurethane cleaning device is installed on the smooth working surface near the head wheel. Used to remove adhesive material near the bottom of the head wheel.


The second polyurethane cleaning device is installed on the smooth working surface near the head wheel. Used to remove adhesive material near the bottom of the head wheel.

The scraper selected polymer polyurethane material, wear-resistant, anti-corrosion, anti-fracture, hydrolysis resistance, no damage to tape, extend the tape life.

上一個:沒有了 下一個:First polyurethane sweeper

contact us


Contact: Manager Liu

Tel: 0317-5128131/5128282

Mobile: 13483852999

E-mail:  info@hebeiaohua.com



Address: Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, Yanshan County, East outer ring

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