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welcome~Yanshan Aohua Machinery Equipment Manufacture Limi
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Casting drum


Width (mm) Drum diameter range (mm) Can withstand the force (KN)

500 250-500 6-49

650 250-630 6-70

800 250-1000 6-330

1000 250-1000 6-430

1200 250-1400 6-650

1400 315-1400 17-980

1600 630-1600 200-1280

1800 630-1600 200-1440

2000 630-1800 250-1600

2200 630-1800 280-1760

2400 630-1800 300-1760

【Application】: Applicable to machinery, metallurgy, mining, port, chemical and pharmaceutical, cement, building materials, steel, coal, etc .; is a variety of mobile belt conveyor drive device can also be used for fixed belt conveyor.

上一個(gè):Transmission roller 下一個(gè):Clean the slagging drum

contact us


Contact: Manager Liu

Tel: 0317-5128131/5128282

Mobile: 13483852999

E-mail:  info@hebeiaohua.com



Address: Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, Yanshan County, East outer ring

国产国语三级黄色战线免费观看AV|国产破外女出血视频全集在线观看|欧美精品 中文字幕 国产精品 2019|无码亚洲成a人片在线观看手机看_精品亚洲av无码一区_在线观看三级片国产