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Roller series

Buffer idler

Impact idler, buffer idler for the belt conveyor to reduce the material at the impact of blanking on the conveyor belt, mainly for coal preparation plants, coking plants, chemical plants and other corrosive environment and the development of a class of roller , Which itself has a toughness is more than 10 times the normal metal, corrosion-resistant, anti-static, do not hurt the belt and other characteristics, widely used in mining. Buffer roller anti-corrosion superior performance. The use of corrosive occasions, the service life of up to 5 times more than ordinary roller.


Impact idler, buffer idler for the belt conveyor to reduce the material at the impact of blanking on the conveyor belt, mainly for coal preparation plants, coking plants, chemical plants and other corrosive environment and the development of a class of roller , Which itself has a toughness is more than 10 times the normal metal, corrosion-resistant, anti-static, do not hurt the belt and other characteristics, widely used in mining. Buffer roller anti-corrosion superior performance. The use of corrosive occasions, the service life of up to 5 times more than ordinary roller.

上一個(gè):Friction roller 下一個(gè):Roller

contact us


Contact: Manager Liu

Tel: 0317-5128131/5128282

Mobile: 13483852999

E-mail:  info@hebeiaohua.com



Address: Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, Yanshan County, East outer ring

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